======Persistent Red Black Tree Set====== An unmutable ordered set that forks modified versions (insert, delete) in log(n) space and time. This is very useful for search if the state of variables change little between transitions. The entire state does not need to be copied into a new state data structure for modification (which would normally cost O(n)). [[http://rtm.science.unitn.it/reactive-search/thebook/node36.html|Hashing combined with persistent red-black trees, R. Battiti, M. Brunato, and F. Mascia]]\\ [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-black_tree|Red-black trees, wikipedia]] Available GPL and others on request. See the source:- The class (the only file needed, but a test class follows below) package larkworthy.tom; import java.util.*; /** * An unmutable ordered set that forks modified versions (insert, delete) in log(n) space and time *

* Red-black tree set keeps member elements in order according to the supplied comparator, or the hashcode. *

* * The implementation does not conform to java API Collections contract, because this does not support persistence. The * class overrides AbstractSet so that this set is compatible with other collection helpers *

* * Insert, delete, membership queries and lookups are all log(n) operations in time and space, but with persistence. This * implementation is optimized for speed. Persistence was added as per the paper, Making Data Structures Persistent, * by James R. Driscoll , Neil Sarnak , Daniel D. Sleator , Robert E. Tarjan *

* * A persistent red-black tree forks a new version of itself for every operation. * The returned value from the operation method (insert(*), delete(*)) is newly modified version, while the original * reference stays structurally the same *

* * * e.g.
* PersistentRedBlackTreeSet a = new PersistentRedBlackTreeSet();
* PersistentRedBlackTreeSet a2 = a1.insert(new Object());
* assert(a.isEmpty()); assert(!a2.isEmpty);
* *

* This is very useful for search if the state of variables change little between transitions. The entire state does * not need to be copied into a new state data structure for modification (which would normally cost O(n)). *

Hashing combined with persistent red-black trees, R. Battiti, M. Brunato, and F. Mascia *

Red-black trees, wikipedia * *

* I have since found this collection to be very useful as a building block for other complex persistent data structures like * persistent graphs. This was used in my PhD thesis and has had about 3 years of bashing sums on it. I think most bugs have * been squished. * *

* Copyright 2009 Tom Larkworthy * This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as per http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt Version 3, 29th June 2007 * Other licensing options are available (email tom.larkworthy att spectral-robotics.com) * @author Tom.Larkworthy@spectral-robotics.com */ public class PersistentRedBlackTreeSet extends AbstractSet implements Iterable{ private static final boolean RED = false; private static final boolean BLACK = true; private static final Comparator HASH_MAP_COMPARATOR = new Comparator(){ public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return o1.hashCode() - o2.hashCode(); } }; Comparator comparator; RedBlackNode root = new RedBlackNode((RedBlackNode)null); RedBlackNode newRoot = null; int size = 0; private long longHashcode=0; //addition hashcode calculated in a different way to try and avoid clashes int hashcode; //simple hascode private ArrayList elements = null; public PersistentRedBlackTreeSet() { this.comparator = HASH_MAP_COMPARATOR; } public PersistentRedBlackTreeSet(Comparator comparator) { this.comparator = comparator; } private PersistentRedBlackTreeSet(Comparator comparator, RedBlackNode root, int size, int hashcode, long longHashcode) { this.size =size; this.comparator = comparator; this.root = root; this.hashcode = hashcode; this.longHashcode = longHashcode; } private RedBlackNode rotate_right(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { RedBlackNode left = n.left ;//= n.left.clone(); RedBlackNode right = n.right;// = n.right.clone(); RedBlackNode left_right = n.left.right;// = n.left.right.clone(); RedBlackNode left_left = n.left.left;// = n.left.left.clone(); //make left the new top node if(n.parent(parents)!= null){ if(n.parent(parents).left == n) n.parent(parents).left = left; else n.parent(parents).right = left; }else{ newRoot = left; } //make n the new right child of the top node left.right = n; //swap parent of left_right n.left = left_right; n.right = right; return left; } private RedBlackNode rotate_left(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { RedBlackNode right = n.right;// = n.right.clone(); RedBlackNode left = n.left;// = n.left.clone(); RedBlackNode right_left = n.right.left;//= n.right.left.clone(); RedBlackNode right_right = n.right.right;// = n.right.right.clone(); //make right the new top node if(n.parent(parents)!= null){ if(n.parent(parents).left == n) n.parent(parents).left = right; else n.parent(parents).right = right; }else{ newRoot = right; } //make n the new left child of the top node right.left = n; //swap parent of left_right n.right = right_left; n.left = left; return right; } private void replace_node(RedBlackNode node,RedBlackNode nodeParent, RedBlackNode replacement) { if(nodeParent != null){ if(nodeParent.left == node) nodeParent.left = replacement; else { nodeParent.right = replacement; } }else{ newRoot = replacement; } } /** * inserts an element persistently. "this" remains the same list. The returned list is the modified version * @param element the new data element * @return the "this" with "element" removed */ public PersistentRedBlackTreeSet insert(D element) { RedBlackNode newNode = new RedBlackNode(element); return insertNode(newNode); } /** * note the subtree is not merged, only inserted into a specific position within the tree, all subelements of the * subtree remain in the same order. Use with caution. * @param subtree * @return */ public PersistentRedBlackTreeSet insertSubTree(PersistentRedBlackTreeSet subtree) { if(subtree.size() == 0) return this; return insertNode(subtree.root); } private PersistentRedBlackTreeSet insertNode(RedBlackNode newNode) { newRoot = root.clone(); RedBlackNode current = newRoot; LinkedList> parents = new LinkedList>(); parents.add(null);//null indicates the root parent, just like it does in RedBlackTree //find the node where the element should go at the bottom of the tree while (current.element != null) { parents.add(current); int dir = comparator.compare(newNode.element, current.element); if(dir == 0) { newRoot = null; //allready in tree return this; } else if (dir < 0) { current = current.left = current.left.clone(); } else { current = current.right = current.right.clone(); } } if(parents.getLast() != null){ if (parents.getLast().left == current) { parents.getLast().left = newNode; } else { assert parents.getLast().right == current; parents.getLast().right = newNode; } } insertCase_1(parents, newNode); PersistentRedBlackTreeSet result = new PersistentRedBlackTreeSet(comparator, newRoot, size+1, hashcode ^ newNode.element.hashCode(), longHashcode + newNode.element.hashCode()); newRoot = null;//clear reference to the newly generated root return result; } private void insertCase_1(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { if (parents.getLast() == null){ newRoot = n; n.black = BLACK; } else insertCase_2(parents, n); } private void insertCase_2(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { //easy case 2 if (parents.getLast().black){ }else{ insertCase_3(parents, n); } } private void insertCase_3(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { if (!n.uncle(parents).black) { parents.getLast().black = BLACK; n.cloneUncle(parents); n.uncle(parents).black = BLACK; n.grandparent(parents).black = RED; //we recurse on the granparent now, up two levels //so we need to pop a 2 elements from the parents list RedBlackNode grandparent = n.grandparent(parents); parents.removeLast(); parents.removeLast(); insertCase_1(parents, grandparent); } else insertCase_4(parents, n); } private void insertCase_4(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { if (n == n.parent(parents).right && n.parent(parents) == n.grandparent(parents).left) { //we rotate on n's parent //so we need to pop n's parent off the parent list RedBlackNode nParent = n.parent(parents); parents.removeLast(); RedBlackNode replacement = rotate_left(parents, nParent); //then we go to case 5 using n's left. So n is the new parent of the algorithm's n parents.addLast(replacement); n = replacement.left = replacement.left.clone(); } else if (n == n.parent(parents).left && n.parent(parents) == n.grandparent(parents).right) { RedBlackNode nParent = n.parent(parents); parents.removeLast(); RedBlackNode replacement = rotate_right(parents, nParent); parents.addLast(replacement); n = replacement.right = replacement.right.clone(); } insert_case5(parents, n); } private void insert_case5(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { n.parent(parents).black = BLACK; n.grandparent(parents).black = RED; if (n == n.parent(parents).left && n.parent(parents) == n.grandparent(parents).left) { RedBlackNode gp = n.grandparent(parents); parents.removeLast(); parents.removeLast(); rotate_right(parents, gp); } else { assert n == n.parent(parents).right && n.parent(parents) == n.grandparent(parents).right; RedBlackNode gp = n.grandparent(parents); parents.removeLast(); parents.removeLast(); rotate_left(parents, gp); } } /** * returns a new list, that is "this" minus the deleted item. * @param element the element to delete * @return the modified version */ public PersistentRedBlackTreeSet delete(D element){ RedBlackNode current = newRoot = root.clone(); //RedBlackNode current = newRoot = root.deepClone(); LinkedList> parents = new LinkedList>(); parents.add(null);//root represented by null //find the node where the element should go at the bottom of the tree while (current.element != null) { parents.add(current); int dir = comparator.compare(element, current.element); if (dir < 0) { current = current.left = current.left.clone(); } else if(dir > 0){ current = current.right= current.right.clone(); }else{ parents.removeLast(); delete(parents, current); PersistentRedBlackTreeSet tree = new PersistentRedBlackTreeSet(comparator, newRoot, size-1, hashcode ^ element.hashCode(), longHashcode - element.hashCode()); newRoot = null; return tree; } } newRoot = null; //no change return this; } private void delete(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { assert n.parent(parents) == null || n.parent(parents).left == n || n.parent(parents).right == n; //if the node has two children, we swap it with the next leaf if(n.left.element != null && n.right.element != null){ parents.addLast(n); n.left = n.left.clone(); RedBlackNode current = n.right = n.right.clone(); while(current.element != null){ parents.addLast(current); current = current.left = current.left.clone(); } n.element = current.parent(parents).element; RedBlackNode currentParent = current.parent(parents); parents.removeLast(); delete_one_child(parents, currentParent); }else{ delete_one_child(parents, n); } } private void delete_one_child(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { /* Precondition: n has at most one non-null child */ RedBlackNode child; if(n.right.element == null){ child = n.left = n.left.clone(); }else{ assert n.left.element == null; child = n.right = n.right.clone(); } replace_node(n, n.parent(parents), child); if (n.black) { if (!child.black) child.black = BLACK; else delete_case1(parents, child); } } private void delete_case1(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { if (n.parent(parents) == null) { newRoot = n; }else{ delete_case2(parents, n); } } private void delete_case2(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { if (!n.sibling(parents).black) { n.cloneSibling(parents); n.parent(parents).black = RED; n.sibling(parents).black = BLACK; if (n == n.parent(parents).left) { //rotate on the parent, back up one level RedBlackNode parent = n.parent(parents); parents.removeLast(); RedBlackNode replacement = rotate_left(parents, parent); //n acually ends up deeper now than to begin with //so we need to regenerate the parents list to its prior level parents.add(replacement); parents.add(replacement.left); n = replacement.left.left = replacement.left.left.clone(); } else { RedBlackNode parent = n.parent(parents); parents.removeLast(); RedBlackNode replacement =rotate_right(parents, parent); parents.add(replacement); parents.add(replacement.right); n = replacement.right.right = replacement.right.right.clone(); } } delete_case3(parents, n); } private void delete_case3(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { if (n.parent(parents).black && n.sibling(parents).black && n.sibling(parents).left.black && n.sibling(parents).right.black) { n.cloneSibling(parents); n.sibling(parents).black = RED; RedBlackNode parent = parents.removeLast(); delete_case1(parents, parent); } else delete_case4(parents, n); } private void delete_case4(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { if (!n.parent(parents).black && n.sibling(parents).black && n.sibling(parents).left.black && n.sibling(parents).right.black) { n.cloneSibling(parents); n.sibling(parents).black = RED; n.parent(parents).black = BLACK; } else delete_case5(parents, n); } private void delete_case5(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { if (n == n.parent(parents).left && n.sibling(parents).black && !n.sibling(parents).left.black && n.sibling(parents).right.black) { n.cloneSibling(parents); n.sibling(parents).black = RED; n.sibling(parents).left = n.sibling(parents).left.clone(); n.sibling(parents).left.black = BLACK; rotate_right(parents, n.sibling(parents)); } else if (n == n.parent(parents).right && n.sibling(parents).black && !n.sibling(parents).right.black && n.sibling(parents).left.black) { n.cloneSibling(parents); n.sibling(parents).black = RED; n.sibling(parents).right = n.sibling(parents).right.clone(); n.sibling(parents).right.black = BLACK; rotate_left(parents, n.sibling(parents)); } delete_case6(parents, n); } private void delete_case6(LinkedList> parents, RedBlackNode n) { n.cloneSibling(parents); n.sibling(parents).black = n.parent(parents).black; n.parent(parents).black = BLACK; if (n == n.parent(parents).left) { n.sibling(parents).right = n.sibling(parents).right.clone(); n.sibling(parents).right.black = BLACK; RedBlackNode parent = parents.removeLast(); rotate_left(parents, parent); } else { n.sibling(parents).left = n.sibling(parents).left.clone(); n.sibling(parents).left.black = BLACK; RedBlackNode parent = parents.removeLast(); rotate_right(parents, parent); } } private ArrayList fillArray(ArrayList array, RedBlackNode current){ if(current.element == null) return array;//null element fillArray(array, current.left); array.add(current.element); fillArray(array, current.right); return array; } /** * returns the contents of the PRBTree in a list, the result is cached and returned on subsequent call. * DO NOT MODIFY THE RETURNED LIST, copy it modification is needed. */ public List getElements(){ if(elements == null){ elements = new ArrayList(size); fillArray(elements, root); } return elements; } /** * iterates the elements of the list. O(1) cost of initialisation and next(). You can abandon * iteratation midway without time or space penalties. * @return */ public Iterator iterator() { return new NullIteratorAdapter(new InOrderTraverser()); } public int size() { return size; } /** * gets a random leaf element out the list in log(n) time. Note some elements are not stored in leaf nodes, so * not all the contents can be sampled. However, samples are approximately drawn uniformly over the full range of the list * @return */ public D getRandomLeaf(){ RedBlackNode current = root; while (true) { int dir = Math.random()>.5f?1:-1; if(dir < 0) { if(current.left.element == null) return current.element; current = current.left; } else { if(current.right.element == null) return current.element; current = current.right; } } //return root.element; } /** * log(n) implementation of contains * @param e * @return */ public boolean contains(Object e) { D element = (D) e; RedBlackNode current = root; while (current.element != null) { int dir = comparator.compare(element, current.element); if (dir == 0 ){ return true; }else if(dir < 0) { current = current.left; } else { current = current.right; } } return false; } public D get(D element) { RedBlackNode current = root; while (current.element != null) { int dir = comparator.compare(element, current.element); if (dir == 0 ){ return current.element; }else if(dir < 0) { current = current.left; } else { current = current.right; } } return null; } public int hashCode() { return hashcode; } private D getRoot() { if(size == 0) return null; return root.element; } private class InOrderTraverser implements Iterator{ Stack stack = new Stack(); public InOrderTraverser() { if(root.element!=null){ stack.push(new TraversalVariable(TraversalSymbol.RIGHT, root)); stack.push(new TraversalVariable(TraversalSymbol.VISIT, root)); stack.push(new TraversalVariable(TraversalSymbol.LEFT, root)); } } public boolean hasNext() { return true; } public D next(){ if(stack.isEmpty()) return null; TraversalVariable curr = stack.pop(); while(curr.s != TraversalSymbol.VISIT){ RedBlackNode child; if(curr.s == TraversalSymbol.LEFT){ child = curr.node.left; }else{ assert curr.s == TraversalSymbol.RIGHT; child = curr.node.right; } if(child.element != null){ stack.push(new TraversalVariable(TraversalSymbol.RIGHT, child)); stack.push(new TraversalVariable(TraversalSymbol.VISIT, child)); stack.push(new TraversalVariable(TraversalSymbol.LEFT, child)); } if(stack.isEmpty()) return null; curr = stack.pop(); } return curr.node.element; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } private class TraversalVariable{ TraversalSymbol s; public TraversalVariable(TraversalSymbol s, RedBlackNode node) { this.s = s; this.node = node; } RedBlackNode node; } private static enum TraversalSymbol{LEFT, RIGHT, VISIT} /** * currently only supports comparisons with other PersistentRB sets * @param obj * @return */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { PersistentRedBlackTreeSet other = (PersistentRedBlackTreeSet) obj; if(other.hashcode != hashcode) return false; if(other.longHashcode != longHashcode)return false; List l1 = other.getElements(); List l2 = getElements(); return l1.equals(l2); } /** * main storage node for class * @param */ private class RedBlackNode { RedBlackNode left; RedBlackNode right; boolean black; D element; public RedBlackNode() { } /** * creates a new RED leaf node (black empty children are also created automatically) * * @param element elemnt */ public RedBlackNode(D element) { this.element = element; black = RED; this.left = new RedBlackNode(this); //create BLACK null nodes this.right = new RedBlackNode(this);//create BLACK null nodes } public RedBlackNode(RedBlackNode parent) { this.black = BLACK; } RedBlackNode grandparent(LinkedList> parents) { return parents.get(parents.size() - 2); } RedBlackNode parent(LinkedList> parents) { return parents.getLast(); } RedBlackNode uncle(LinkedList> parents) { if (grandparent(parents).left == parents.getLast()){ return grandparent(parents).right; } else{ assert grandparent(parents).right == parents.getLast(); return grandparent(parents).left; } } public void cloneUncle(LinkedList> parents){ if (grandparent(parents).left == parents.getLast()){ grandparent(parents).right = grandparent(parents).right.clone(); } else{ assert grandparent(parents).right == parents.getLast(); grandparent(parents).left = grandparent(parents).left.clone(); } } public RedBlackNode sibling(LinkedList> parents) { if (parent(parents).left == this){ return parent(parents).right; } else{ return parent(parents).left; } } public void cloneSibling(LinkedList> parents) { if (parent(parents).left == this){ parent(parents).right = parent(parents).right.clone(); } else{ assert parent(parents).right == this; parent(parents).left = parent(parents).left.clone(); } } public RedBlackNode clone(){ RedBlackNode node = new RedBlackNode(); node.element = element; node.left = left; node.right = right; node.black = black; return node; } public RedBlackNode deepClone(){ RedBlackNode node = new RedBlackNode(); node.element = element; node.black = black; if(element == null) return node; node.left = left.deepClone(); node.right = right.deepClone(); return node; } } /** * This iterator wraps another iterator so the implementor of the other iterator can be lazy. * They do not need to implement the hasNext function. The emptyness of the iterator can be signalled by returning * a null from the next() method. */ private class NullIteratorAdapter implements Iterator { T next; Iterator wrapper; public NullIteratorAdapter(Iterator nullTerminatedIterator) { this.wrapper = nullTerminatedIterator; next = wrapper.next(); } public boolean hasNext() { return next != null; } public T next() { T ret = next; next = wrapper.next(); return ret; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } } %% %%(language-ref) package larkworthy.tom; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Tests for the RedBlackTree by throwing lots of random data at it * * Copyright 2009 Tom Larkworthy * This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as per http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt Version 3, 29th June 2007 * Other licensing options are availible. * @author Tom.Larkworthy@spectral-robotics.com */ public class TestRBTree extends TestCase { public static final Comparator INTEGER_COMP = new Comparator() { public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) { return o1 - o2; } }; /** * tests that a thousand integers randomly added to the tree are remembered and stored in order */ public void testPersistantInsert() { PersistentRedBlackTreeSet tree = new PersistentRedBlackTreeSet(INTEGER_COMP); ArrayList shuffledIntegers = getShuffledIntegers(1000); //add shuffled integers to the tree for (Integer integer : shuffledIntegers) { tree = tree.insert(integer); } assertTrue(tree.size() == 1000); int count = 0; //check they are iterated in the correct order for (Integer integer : tree) { assertEquals(integer.intValue(), count++); } } /** * tests that a thousand integers randomly added to the tree can be removed in a random order * successfully */ public void testPersistantDelete() { PersistentRedBlackTreeSet tree = new PersistentRedBlackTreeSet(INTEGER_COMP); ArrayList shuffledIntegers = getShuffledIntegers(1000); //insert all for (Integer integer : shuffledIntegers) { tree = tree.insert(integer); } //reshuffle them Collections.shuffle(shuffledIntegers); int size = 1000; assertTrue(tree.size() == size); for (Integer integer : shuffledIntegers) { assertTrue(tree.contains(integer)); tree = tree.delete(integer); assertEquals(tree.size(), --size); assertFalse(tree.contains(integer)); //check we fail to remove elements not present tree = tree.delete(integer); assertEquals(size, tree.size()); tree = tree.delete(1001); assertEquals(size, tree.size()); tree = tree.delete(-1); assertEquals(size, tree.size()); } assertFalse(tree.iterator().hasNext()); } private static ArrayList getShuffledIntegers(int number) { ArrayList shuffledIntegers = new ArrayList(number); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { shuffledIntegers.add(i); } Collections.shuffle(shuffledIntegers); return shuffledIntegers; } /** * performs a 100K random walk of inserting and removing random integers, and choosing whether to keep the old * tree or the new tree. */ public void testPersistantDelete2() { PersistentRedBlackTreeSet tree = new PersistentRedBlackTreeSet(INTEGER_COMP); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { int el = (int) (Math.random() * 10); PersistentRedBlackTreeSet del = tree.delete(el); PersistentRedBlackTreeSet ins = tree.insert(el); assertTrue(tree.equals(ins) || tree.equals(del)); double choice = Math.random(); if(choice < .33){ //System.out.println("del"); tree = del; }else if(choice < .66){ //System.out.println("ins"); tree = ins; }//else System.out.println("keep"); } } /** * tests if certain intervals can be inserted */ public void testPersistentInsertSubtree(){ PersistentRedBlackTreeSet tree1 = new PersistentRedBlackTreeSet(INTEGER_COMP); PersistentRedBlackTreeSet tree2 = new PersistentRedBlackTreeSet(INTEGER_COMP); ArrayList tree1Contents = new ArrayList(); ArrayList tree2Contents = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0;i<=1000;i++){ tree1 = tree1.insert(i); tree1Contents.add(i); } for(int i=1001;i<=2000;i++){ tree2 = tree2.insert(i); tree2Contents.add(i); } for(int i=2001;i<=3000;i++){ tree1 = tree1.insert(i); tree1Contents.add(i); } Collections.sort(tree1Contents, INTEGER_COMP); Collections.sort(tree2Contents, INTEGER_COMP); assertEquals(tree1.getElements(), tree1Contents); assertEquals(tree2.getElements(), tree2Contents); ArrayList treeContents = new ArrayList(); treeContents.addAll(tree1Contents); treeContents.addAll(tree2Contents); Collections.sort(treeContents, INTEGER_COMP); PersistentRedBlackTreeSet combined = tree1.insertSubTree(tree2); //check new tree is the combination assertEquals(combined.getElements(), treeContents); //and check originals are intact assertEquals(tree1.getElements(), tree1Contents); assertEquals(tree2.getElements(), tree2Contents); } public void testPersistantIterator(){ PersistentRedBlackTreeSet tree1 = new PersistentRedBlackTreeSet(INTEGER_COMP); PersistentRedBlackTreeSet tree2 = new PersistentRedBlackTreeSet(INTEGER_COMP); ArrayList tree1Contents = new ArrayList(); ArrayList tree2Contents = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0;i<=1000;i++){ tree1 = tree1.insert(i); tree1Contents.add(i); } for(int i=1001;i<=2000;i++){ tree2 = tree2.insert(i); tree2Contents.add(i); } for(int i=2001;i<=3000;i++){ tree1 = tree1.insert(i); tree1Contents.add(i); } Collections.sort(tree1Contents, INTEGER_COMP); Collections.sort(tree2Contents, INTEGER_COMP); assertEquals(tree1.getElements(), tree1Contents); assertEquals(tree2.getElements(), tree2Contents); Iterator tree1Iter = tree1.iterator(); Iterator tree2Iter = tree2.iterator(); int cursur = 0; while(tree1Iter.hasNext()){ int el1 = tree1Iter.next(); assertEquals(el1, (int)tree1Contents.get(cursur)); cursur++; } cursur = 0; while(tree2Iter.hasNext()){ int el2 = tree2Iter.next(); assertEquals(el2, (int)tree2Contents.get(cursur)); cursur++; } } }